Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A Rule For The Future

Treat others the you want to be treated.  Its been a rule we've learned since we could walk.  In  A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings an angel fell from the sky.  The angel seemed weak and helpless.  Another man felt sorry for the angel and brought him in to his home.  The man made the angel stay in his chicken coop and made people pay to see him.  What was a good deed became a scheme for money.  Later in the story, after a long period of harsh treatment, the angel spreads his wings and leaves.

If we were hurt or alone we would want somebody to be there for us, right?  Why doesn't anybody follow The "Golden Rule" anymore? Treat others like you want to be treated.  It is not that hard.  It seems so hard because we make it hard.  We might treat treat somebody the wrong way because they don't act like we do or because of peer pressure.  You should treat everybody fair because you never know who they will grow up to be.  That person could be your boss one day, and the will remember the way you treated them.